Monday, January 25, 2010
P+S Technik Pro35 Adapter
Sony PDW-F1600
New Sony PDW-F800 available
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Histogram, Histogram, what art thou, O histogram
Read the Histogram
Because this image was overexposed, its tones are clustered on the right side of the histogram.
The key to correcting an image’s tone problems lies in understanding the histogram that appears at the top of the Adjust palette. The histogram is a bar chart that shows the distribution of tones in an image. Black is on the far left edge, white is on the right, and everything else is in between.
By learning to interpret what the histogram is telling you, you can take much of the guesswork out of correcting bad photos and discover ways to make good photos even better. Usually, you want photos with as broad a range of tones as you can get. Think about boxes of crayons: you can create a much more detailed image with 64 different crayons than you can with just eight. Likewise, if the bars in the histogram are crammed together in a narrow space, your image probably doesn’t have the resources it needs to depict subtle detail.
With a well-exposed image, the histogram’s bars will stretch across the full range of the graph. If your histogram’s bars are clumped on either the left or the right side, the image is probably underexposed (lacking good highlights) or overexposed (lacking good shadows), respectively. If the bars don’t stretch to either edge, then your image lacks contrast.
Reprinted by permssion of Ben Long:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Another Succesful Event!
I am glad to announce that another successful show is in the can. We recently descended into the depths of the waterfront marriott and navigated the most confusing elevator button labeling system ever devised by mankind to set up for a truly unique corporate awards ceremony. The show kicked off with a re-cut of MJ's "Thriller" edited and overdubbed with a Michael Jackson sound alike changing the lyrics to reflect the nature of Printer/Copier sales and service. Around the time the Vincent Price voiceover started, about a dozen professionally made up zombies ambled into the room and flopped onto the stage just in time to be reanimated into Jackson Backup dancers. The dancers were amazing! We put on a great light show, video was handled through HD projectors spraying widescreen 9x16' surfaces and the sound system really got to go through a workout.
If only all corporate events could be this fun.
At the event's conclusion, our crew came in loaded for bear because we had to get the whole show out the door in 90 minutes. We would usually expect a strike this size to tack 3-4 hours. everyone worked together like a finely tuned machine. Jonathan set to work re-setting the projectors and screens for the events banquet portion while I coordinated with the DJ to make all the pieces come together. The first show got broken down with twelve minutes to spare!
...The rhumors are true, Picture This is, in fact, awesome.
Monday, January 11, 2010
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